Protecting your personal information is important to Paris Pâté. This statement sets out the practices of this site concerning the collection and utilisation of personal information.

This site may contain links to other websites that are not the property of Aliments Ouimet-Cordon Bleu Inc. This statement does not apply to third party practices concerning the collection and utilisation of personal information and Paris Pâté is not responsible for the practices, policies or actions of said third parties concerning the collection and utilisation of personal information. We recommend that you carefully read the statements concerning personal information on these sites in order to make an informed decision about whether or not you wish to use these sites, given their practices concerning the protection of personal information.

Personal information is information that enables you to be identified personally and can, for example, include your name and email address. If you make a request on this site, the personal information that such a request may contain will only be provided to the employees of Aliments Ouimet-Cordon Bleu Inc., its affiliates and its partners who need to access it in order to respond. Paris Pâté will not divulge, sell or rent any personal information that you may supply on this site to any third party without your permission, unless required by law.

Paris Pâté reserves the right to use cookies on its website. If you do not wish to allow Paris Pâté to use cookies while you are on this site, you can choose the block cookie option in your web browser.

Paris Pâté reserves the right to modify without prior notice this statement about the protection of personal information on the Internet if it deems it appropriate. However, any changes to this statement will conform to laws applicable in Canada concerning the protection of personal information and will be posted on this page.

If you have any questions or comments concerning this statement or the practices of Aliments Ouimet-Cordon Bleu inc. concerning the protection of personal information, please contact us:
1 800 684-6554